SALEM – working worldwide for peace

Christian, nonprofit, charitable.


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It was with great sadness and consternation that we learned of the death of our dear Dr. Steven Tuunde, who had been closely associated with SALEM-Uganda since 1987.

Trees mean Life


A report by Samuel Müller: Recently I made my way to Togo to visit our project there. The last time I was there was in 2017. So it was high time to see it again and talk to the team on site in person.
We always try to reintegrate our children into their original families by looking for relatives who are able to take care of them. Thus family visits with social workers are carried out regularly. During one of these visits we discovered that the siblings of one of the children in our children`s village were also being neglected.
Our SALEM-village in the Kaliningrad region is close to our hearts, just like all our other projects. At the moment, the idea of ​​peace, which was always Gottfried Müller's main motivation, is particularly graspable there. In October, SALEM-managing directors Samuel Müller and Gerhard Lipfert got their own idea of ​​the situation there.
He explains: “Four years ago I stuck a tiny piece of cambium from a wild fig tree into the bark of a cocoa tree. The desired goal is that cocoa trees should bear as much fruit, from the roots to the branches and the bark, just like…

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