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In April, Samuel Müller was able to see the construction of the new building for himself during his visit to SALEM-Ecuador. The youth center is to become a center for encounters, activities and creativity. It bears the name “Maloka”. Already, it looks impressive from the outside, but unfortunately the funds for the interior work are still lacking.
When Samuel Müller traveled to Togo last year to visit the SALEM-project, he was able to see the difference between a school with plants and a schoolground without a single tree.
While you could hear children laughing in one schoolyard, it was almost unbearable with the heat in the other. SALEM would like to do something about this. Will you help us?
In the Children's Home of SALEM-Uganda, many children and young people live with a difficult fate. Here you can read the story of little George, who, despite his bad start in life, was finally able to experience love and attention.
The year began in our SALEM project in the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad with lots of snow and extremely cold weather. What worries adults due to rising energy costs was great fun for the children!
The little kids were also born in January. Here too, the children enjoyed helping to care for the animals.
A report by Samuel Müller: Recently I made my way to Togo to visit our project there. The last time I was there was in 2017. So it was high time to see it again and talk to the team on site in person.

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