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The sale of the SALEM-calendar 2024 "Children of Africa" generated proceeds of around €1,850, which benefited the children's village in SALEM-Uganda.
Our project manager in SALEM-Togo, Gbati Nikabou, does not let setbacks get him down. Again and again he experiments in the nursery and also passes on his knowledge. He has now taken another step in the fight against climate change.
In April, Samuel Müller was able to see the construction of the new building for himself during his visit to SALEM-Ecuador. The youth center is to become a center for encounters, activities and creativity. It bears the name “Maloka”. Already, it looks impressive from the outside, but unfortunately the funds for the interior work are still lacking.
When Samuel Müller traveled to Togo last year to visit the SALEM-project, he was able to see the difference between a school with plants and a schoolground without a single tree.
While you could hear children laughing in one schoolyard, it was almost unbearable with the heat in the other. SALEM would like to do something about this. Will you help us?
Unfortunately, we have sad news from SALEM-Uganda again: Our dear Fladia Musawo Negesa passed away this morning on the way to the SALEM hospital.
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